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Proudly Serving the Needs of Austin's Homeless Since 1999


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We see and help many people. Each has a personal, unique story to illustrate their journey. From neighbors we help to get off the street, to volunteers that come in weekly, they all have experiences we wish to share. Interviews:  a neighbor we helped transition into housing and one of our dedicated volunteers. Please listen to what these beautiful individuals have to say. More to come...


“I’m blessed. I have family here now - you all are my brothers and sisters, my nieces and nephews, my cousins. We’re family, and that’s a blessing.”

Trinity Center Austin

Being a small organization allows us to offer a personal, familiar touch as we work with our neighbors each day. We have a staff of only six dedicated people, and we rely on people like you who commit to a three-hour volunteer shift weekly. We greet each other as neighbors instead of as providers and clients. We treat our neighbors with dignity and respect. In fact, we feel very proud of the manner in which our staff and volunteers “lead by acceptance,” resulting in neighbors who feel acknowledged and understood, have a sense of ownership of Trinity Center, and consider it their community center. Neighbors rely on us when they have nowhere else to go. As one of our neighbors stated in an August 2009 survey, “Trinity Center has been an anchor in a time of storm."

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